
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 17:23:24

Now it is a quarter past five in the afternoon. Everybody is doing different things. Students on duty are cleaning the classroom. Some are sweeping the floor, some cleaning the blackbaord. Many students are doing sports on the playground. Some are running, some are playing basketball contest and some watching. At the school gate, some parents are waiting for their children patiently. In the dormitory Tom is washing clothes and Sam resting on bed, John is calling back home to talk to his mum. Everybody is having a good time in the new school.

Now it's 5:50pm.
Everybody is doing the different things.
The students who be on duty for the day is cleaning the classroom.
Some of them are sweeping the floor,some are brushing the blackboard.
There are a lot of students to do sports in the schoolyard.
Some are practise their running skills,some are playing basketball in the wind.
And also there are some visitors.
At the doorway,parents are waiting

英语翻译:现在是下午五点十五分------- 起名!!加急。阴历五月十五,下午五点五十分。父姓:乔 。谢谢各位大师! 张姓男孩 2006-2-15(农历正月十八)下午五点一十五分出生 取啥名字好? 五行缺什么? 我们国家时间现在是下午五点半,请问澳大利亚是几点? 吴姓女孩2007年10月7日下午五点十五分生取什么名字好 1972年农历七月二十八下午五点和1974农历十月二十五八字如何 农历81年十月十五清晨五点三十分出生的女士08年运势如何 我朋友的女儿是2007年农历的正月十六日下午五点二十一分出生的请大家帮忙起个名子,姓王 我现在是个上班族,下午五点下班以后就很闲了,想问问各位网友们有没有人兼职的,找找方向啊! 阴历一九八七年正月二十七下午五点一十七分出生求运事