
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 08:49:45

Once upon a time, the absolute being said to the animals:
"I will open a party to invite you tomorrow, absolutely can't be late.""
The rat listenned to this words, liked to make practical joke, the cat which cheats near says that the party will just need to hold the day after tomorrow.
On alternate days, the rat rides in the cow to carry on the back to come up a party field and agilely wear ground.
What to arrive at is a cow, tiger later on ……
When absolute being and 12 animals at deep Shan-li happily enjoys party of time, cat but in the home asleep, do relevant root will not hold the beautiful dream of the on alternate days of party ……
The party noisily has been arrive a morning and only cheat of the cat milli- have no knowledge.

Many years ago, God of the animals, said : "Tomorrow I have to drive a banquet in honor you, ah absolutely not be late. "" After listening to this message, like mischievous rodents, f