
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 16:33:13

smss.exe is a process which is a part of the Microsoft Windows Operating System. It is called the Session Manager SubSystem and is responsible for handling sessions on your system. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.
PS:smss.exe is also a process which is registered as a number of trojans and mass mailing worms, and the PWSteal.Wowcraft.B Password stealer. These Trojans allow attackers to access your computer, stealing passwords and personal data. It is a registered security risk and should be removed immediately.
So:etermining whether this process is a virus or a Windows process depends on the directory location it executes or runs from in WinTasks.



我电脑中毒了,查出是C:\Windows下的smss.exe。删了后exe文件都打不开,双击就让我选择打开方式。 我的电脑中毒了,现在查出是哪个文件了,但是删不掉,该怎么办 我电脑中毒了,卡查出来删了一会又有了,病毒名c:\windows\system32\ztdll.dll 我电脑中毒了 Win.32.Troj.Mir.dr.53248 我电脑中查出了C:\WINDOWS\csrss.exe。不知道是否是可疑程序? 电脑中毒了,一始查出了病毒是灰鸽子,但是电脑的宽带还是断! 偶的电脑傻了, 不知道是否是中毒了,但是没查出来 我的电脑中毒了 症状是单击左键都打不开C\D盘 我要怎么办啊? 我的电脑中毒了,可我查出了病毒却删不了,怎么回事啊 ? 我下了一个WIN软件后电脑的word文档和Excel电子表都不能打开了为什么会这样?是中毒了吗?么样解绝?