
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 04:14:14
谁有fearness是topic的文章啊? 短一点的就可以了...参考一下...要有写出自己害怕的3样东西,然后怎样deal with them...

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everybody have moments of fear. when facing fear, we should keep a cool head, overcome fearness. when sufering from disasters, for example earthquake,bore, many peple will would be extremely terrified, therefore will form a large degree of fearness,which will resist the process of excaping, if we are all able to treat disasters rationally, analyse calmly, we are able to better overcome the difficulties. there is no one in the wold who do not have fears, but only brave people, they know what they have to be feared of.

没有Fearness这个字,应该是Fearfulness or Fear. 大约400字文章如下,如果要不同的内容,很容易做些修改, 到我空间留言吧.

Fearfulness or Fear
(and how to deal with it)

In many ways, life is much more convenient than in the past. We have air conditioning when the weather is hot and we can travel very far by airplane in a very short time. However, at the same time life is very complex. Everything must work properly, otherwise our routine will be disrupted. I seem to be living in