
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 04:49:31

严禁拍照 No Photo
严禁吸烟 Smoking Strictly Prohibited
此处不准吸烟 Smoking is not permitted here
禁止吐痰 No Spitting
严禁吐痰 Spitting Strictly Prohibited
禁止乱扔废物 No Littering
不准丢纸屑 Don''t litter scraps of paper
谢绝参观 Visiting Declined
不得入内 No Entry
闲人莫入 Staff Only
非公莫入 No admittance except on business
危险莫入 Danger! Keep out!
保持安静 Keep Silence
勿踏草地 Keep off the grass
勿给动物喂草 Please don''t feed the animals
不准挑逗动物 Don''t tease the animals
注意 Look Out / Caution
此路不通 No Through Road
切勿*近 Keep Away!
当心触电 Live Wire
高压危险 Danger! High Voltage!
禁止停车 No Parking
当心火车 Be care of train
过马路小心 Be Careful When Crossing Street
油漆未干 Wet paint
勿用手摸 Hands off
请勿触摸商品 Please don''t touch the exhibits
请保持室内清洁 Please keep the room clean
盘点停止 Close, Stock-taking!
凭票入场 Admission by Ticket Only!
随手关门 Close the door behind yo