
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 04:25:51
一、 在国际快递、物流、货物运输及贷运代理等国家允许外商投资的领域依法进行投资
二、 受其投资企业的书面委托1、经董事会一致通过,向所投资企业提供下列服务:协助或代理其所投资的企业从国内外采购该企业使用的机器设备、办公设备和经营所需的物资;2、在外汇管理部门的同意和监督下,在所投资企业之间平衡外汇;3、为所投资企业提供市场开发、业务拓展和经营过程中的技术支持、员工培训、企业内部人事管理等服务;4、协助所投资企业寻求贷款及提供担保。
三、 为其投资者提供咨询服务,为其关联公司提供与其投资有关的市场信息、投资政策等咨询服务。
四、 承接其母公司和关联公司的服务外包业务。
五、 经中国银行业监督管理委员会批准,向其所投资设立的企业提供财务支持(涉及行政许可的,凭许可证经营)。

Allow at nations such as international express delivery, logistics, goods conveyance and loan luck agency etc. the realm that the outside company invest carries on an investment by law

BE invest by it business enterprise of the writing form entrust
1, Be consistently passed by board of directors, provide the following service toward the business enterprise invest:The machinery equipment helped or acted for the business enterprise that it invest that business enterprise to use from the domestic and international purchase, transact an equipments and conduct the supplies need;
2, in the foreign exchange manage under approval and direct of section, at the equilibrium foreign exchange of business enterprise invest;
3, provide a market development, business to expand for the business enterprise invest with management technique support within process, employee a training, the business enterprise internal personal management etc. service;