
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 06:19:33

You have to shake hands when you're coming or going in Germany,but in Britain you usually only shake hands when you meet someone for the first time.
You have to give your present in public in the Middle East to show it's not a bribe,but it's good manners to give your present in private in Asia.
Americans usually mean "Yes"when they nod their heads. An English person probably just means "I understand",and an Asian is just showing interest.
"Come any time" means "I want you to visit me" in India. If you don't suggest a time and arrange a visit immediately, an Indian will think you are refusing the invitation. But if an English person says"Come any time",they will think you are bad mannered if you start fixing a date.