
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 03:36:15

2. 朋友
在他乡,家乡人碰到家乡人,一见就像是朋友.因为是同乡,也不管故乡在什么地方:广州,上海,南昌...... 在国外,中国人碰到中国人,一见就像朋友.
因为是同胞,也不管来自祖国什么地方:新疆,台湾,香港...... 也许多少年以后,在宇宙的另一个星球,地球人碰到地球人,一见也准像老朋友.因为来自地球村,也不管地球什么地方:大陆,岛屿,海洋 ......

顺便问 一下,朋友这篇文章写的好吗?????

1、Teacher: Is there any proof can prove inflation of object while temperature climbs and deflation of which while temperature drops?

Student: Yes, four-week winter vacation and eight-week summer vacation are proofs.


Countrymen feel like old friends at the first meeting in alien land. No matter where their hometown is, whether they are from Guangzhou、Shanghai or Nanchang, the very common ground is that they are countrymen.

Chinese feel like old friends at the first meeting in alien land. No matter where their hometown is, whether they are from Xinjiang、Taipei、Hong Kong or other parts of China, the very common ground is that they are countrymen.

Perhaps one day, earthmen will feel like old friends at the first meeting in alien land. No matter where their hometown is, whether they are from continent、island、ocean or other parts of the world.