天下没有不散的宴席,十天过去, 学到的不只是英语 , 更多的是生活 , 做人 。 信心是做事根本

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 13:10:30

The dinner party that the world didn't don't spread, ten day past, learn of be much more than English, more is a life, is a person. The confidence is to work a root

World Krause, the past 10 days, not only learn English, more of life, in life. Confidence is the fundamental work

World Krause, the past 10 days, not only learn English, more of life, in life. Confidence is the fundamental work

There's no a dinner party forever ,ten days passed ,it's more English ,but how to live , what a real man ? Confidence is early before work.

Even the best friend must part. Gone is the ten days, it's more life and how to be yourself than English that I've picked up, it's the confidence that constitutes your principle of doing things

真的 , 如果论文采, 我最好了 , 多工整啊, 你不会不采纳吧,第一句是谚语, 我刚背的,有强调句,It's more..... , Gone is the ten days有经典的Gone is the wind(《乱世佳人》的英文)的滋味, 学到语言用pick up多地道啊 含有不经意获得的意思, 生活与做人也是不经意学到的,pick up 经典 我爽QQ408242210翻译找我