
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 08:00:17
1. (For instance), some fish (lay) thousands of eggs at a time, most of (them) (are eaten).

2. (Acocording to) one theory, the more offspring an animal species produces, the (great) will be the chance (that) the species can (survive).

3.Edmund King said the study (showed)that "not only the loud music (is) a nuisance to(others),it could (also ) be the cause of accidents".

4. (According to many (AIDS experts), scientists are (closer) to (find)a way to make AIDS a controllable disease (rather than) a fatal one.


个人认为第二句应把“great”加“er”。后半句倒装正过来是“the chance that the species can survive will be greater.”
第四句。。。我猜是不是把find改finding啊,前面的are closer是系表结构。那么后面的to就是介词,应该用ing分词。

1 them--------which 宾语从句
2 great-------greater the more the ***(比较级形式:如beetter,译为:越多越...)
4 find--------finding closer to sth(doing sth)