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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 14:52:10
• 各位同仁,各位朋友
• 北京宝隆特设备检测有限公司是具有独立法人的检测单位,于2004年通过了国家质量监督检验检疫总局的无损检测资格认证,获得中华 人民共和国特种设备检验检测机构核准证,证号:TS7310057,检验检测项目为射线(RT),超声(UT),磁粉(MT),渗透(PT)四项。
• 公司拥有雄厚的技术实力,高级和中级技术职称的专业技术人员多人,有多年的检测经历,检测领域广泛,在压力容器,球罐,各种压力管道,铸锻件,电站设备等方面有着丰富的检测经验,可帮助客户解决各种检测技术问题。
• 公司可在国内,外承揽锅炉,压力容器,压力管道,电站设备等特种设备的无损检测工作,欢迎用户,同仁垂询,通过合作,我们将成为您最可信赖的朋友。
• 在这里,我祝各位同仁和朋友万事如意身体健康。
• 2004年7月16日

Each colleague, each friend
·Treasure 隆 in Peking especially equipments examination the limited company is the examination unit which has independent legal person, passing national quality direct an examination medical inspection a bureau in 2004 of have no 损 examination qualifications attestation, acquire China people the equipments examination of the republic special kind an examination organization to approve a certificate, certificate number:TS7310057, in order to shoot line(RT), examination examination item the super voice(UT), the 磁 powder(MT), permeate(PT) 4.
Examine mission
The quality policy of the company BE:The quality first, the customer is highest, objective fair, the honesty keeps promise, the company built up perfect quality a management system and strict regulation system, carrying out a resources of reasonable with excellent turn to install, can be objective, fair, in time with accurate of complete examination mission for the customer
The compan