
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 10:05:29
1、i enjoyed my time with the sand on the beach all day and got a high fever that night, so i had to go back to Beijing on the very early morning the day after.

2、I played with the sands on the beach for a whole day, and that night I got a fever. So we had to return to Beijing the next early morning.

3、I played sand by the beach for a whole day, and got a bad fever the same night, so we can only go back to Beijing in the morning the day after.

I play in a one-day seaside sand, the same evening on launching a high fever, so we had to hurry back on the early morning of the second day Beijing.


1)把"玩沙子"玩翻译成英语的话,2,3句太直白,若是native speaker看了会觉得有点一头雾水.

2)"发烧"的翻译, 第二句很直白地照翻,中规中矩;而第三句那个"bad fever" 一看就看得出是自己生造的搭配.
而这句中,一句的突出点是他处理"that night"比后两句更出色---摆在句末. 因为在"当晚就发烧了"这个概念中,重点是发烧,"当晚"不过是个时间状语用来说明的而已.2句把这个时间提前,有点儿喧宾夺主咯; 3句the same night 又太直白了,读来不免觉得别扭.

而1句能用上后两句没有的介词"on", 以及"the very morning", 相比之下就显得有文采多了, 而且意思也很顺畅.



I played with the sands on the beach for a whole day, and I got a fever that night. So we had to return to Beijing early the next morning.

the second one

So we had to return to Beiji