
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 07:10:28
mks.enable3d = TRUE
svga.vramSize = 67108864
vmmouse.present = FALSE


你去VMware官方网站下载VMware Workstation的帮助文档去,PDF格式的,上面就有关于调整VMware关于3D显示的详细说明。
你最好在没安装系统前就更改配置文件,之后别忘记安装VMware Tools


Experimental Support for Direct3D
Workstation includes experimental support for Direct3D video acceleration. This
feature is not fully functional.
To take advantage of the experimental 3‐D capabilities of Workstation, the virtual
machine must be running the version of VMware Tools that corresponds to the version
of Workstation you are using to run it. For example, a virtual machine running on
Workstation 6.0 must be running the version of VMware Tools provided with
Workstation 6.0. If you move the virtual machine and want to use the 3‐D capabilities,
be sure you have the correct version of VMware Tools installed.
Audience for Direct3D Experimental Support
Workstation provides this feature for advanced customers who want to explore an
in‐progress implementation