想找人帮我翻译一端文章 我是个迷茫的孩子

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 18:10:32
我真的后悔了~ 可是没有卖后悔药的
趁着现在还年轻拼搏吧! 要不以后家都养不起.
现在真的只能安慰自己说:“小伙,你还年轻,慢慢拼吧. 不要求最好.做到自己满意就可以了! ”

I now believe that the teachers say you do not learn well you will regret it!
I really regret it. ~ Regret but did not sell drugs
Taking advantage of young fighting now! After home owners have either.
My stupid, useless, nothing. Even on a secondary graduation certificates are forcing all day at home by them to gas.
Regret it did not learn well, if not now expect to last almost schools. They can not every day that I
Now loss of publicity, solved nothing, not in a carton. Too late. No regrets selling drugs. Slowly he regretted it.
Graduates can either find a little investigation work. This loss can be in. Day loaded tender white. Finally loaded to break a carton.
Even after eating them. The 20 Ben immediately. Not going to school. Also a 15. In may.
Every day that the people of Mao. I can say that they most suitable.
I really useless! ~
Now, it really can comfort himself said: "Forty you young, it slowly together. Best