
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 18:59:35
第1段:When all is said and done, the teen romance "Secret" is nothing more than a half-thought-out but nonetheless effective twist blown up to feature length with an hour of smoke and mirrors, misdirection, and longing, ennui-soaked looks by its two attractive pop idol leads. Where the best shock-eroos -- I'm thinking of the revelation near the end of "The Sixth Sense" or that delicious moment where events come full-circle in "Memento" -- seem, on hindsight, organic to the narrative and even logical from a thematic and dramatic point of view, the secret in "Secret" is one whopper of a non-sequitur, something completely unrelated to anything that came before it.

第2段: But where does Rain disappear to? And why does she play an odd piano composition before she does? By now you're expecting a "Terms of Endearment"-like twist, but "Secret" executes a hard right into paranormal territory that brings the entire pictu

第1段 :当我们尽了一切努力,少女爱情的"秘密" ,只不过是一个半深思熟虑的,但却有效扭转炸掉特征长度一个小时,烟雾和镜子,方可与向往,倦怠-看起来湿透由其两个吸引力偶像线索.而最佳休克eroos --我的思想启示接近尾声的"第六感" ,或美味的时刻,在各种事件来全圈的"纪念品" --看来,对事后,有机向叙事甚至从逻辑上的一个专题性和戏剧性的角度来说,秘密的"秘密"是一个80英寸的非简直东西完全无关的东西来到面前.


第3段 :电影不应该只是一个噱头;然而, "秘密"的扭曲,是其唯一理由being.this ,是一个典型的例子,有一个人,在这种情况下,周,人的记的故事构想,未来同一个发明扭迫使叙事围绕它不是引导观众多达捻度通过探讨相关主题.可以肯定的是, "秘密" ,奠定丰富的视觉线索和线索,它闪回在稍后的画面--但除非他们挂靠在某种专题重量,它的所有表现,是一种视觉速记.

事实上, "秘密" ,是一项集电影和电影制作,套话,从大的,毕业演出了185个摄像打开每一杆.
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