
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 19:32:09

vegetable combination salad 蔬菜大会色拉
mixed salad 什锦色拉
home-made vegetable salad 家常蔬菜色拉
fruit salad 水果色拉
vegetable salad 蔬菜色拉
chicken laesar salad 卤鸡色拉
tossed salad 油拌色拉

清汤 light soup; clear soup; consomme
浓汤 thick soup; potage
肉汤 broth
奶油火腿汤 creamed ham soup; ham soup with cream
奶油鸡茸汤 creamed mashed chicken soup; mashed chicken soup with cream
奶油蟹肉汤 creamed crab meat soup; crab meat soup with cream

rump steak 牛腿排
T-bone steak T形骨牛排
roast sirloin beef 烤牛外俏
green fillet 青春里脊
fillet steak, country style 乡村里脊扒
beef steak curried 咖喱牛排
plain fried calf ribs 清煎小牛排
fried calf ribs 炸小牛排
roast veal 烤小牛肉
ham steak 火腿扒
sauté pork chop 嫩煎猪排
roast lamb 烤羔羊肉
lamb couscous 羊肉库司

I was going to say fish n chips too. so notorious!

fish and chips