Know Yourself, Appreciate Yourself

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 14:04:04
Learn from your mistakes,and then move on! By remembering your positives,it helps you to turn your attention to the future,instead of wallowing inthe past......Noone goes through life without experiencing one form of faiure or another in their lives.But what sets people apart is how they deal with that failure.Some give up. But others grow, and from that,they become stronger and more prepared for any challenges to come.

从错误中吸取教训,继续前进!通过肯定你自己把注意力转向未来,而不是沉浸于过去。 每个人的一生都要经历这样或那样的失败。但是所不同的是看人们怎样对待失败。 有些人会放弃,但是其他的人会继续向前,从而变得更加坚强,更有准备的面对未来的任何挑战。
