
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 18:00:14

-[站在]别人的.伤口上 笑的满眼生花、


-哪怕[代价]是 纯真、(与)善良、

We must be the children who destroy the hardest defenses.
Stands in others wound.Smiles like a flower.
Stamps in between others' bone seam.Jump with a sound which shakes the sky.
Even if the cost is innocence and goodness.

We are nothing but the invincible (kids).

[站在]别人的.伤口上 笑的满眼生花
Rubbing salt into someone's wounds, laughing up his sleeve ...

Stamp one's foot on other's skeleton, in a loud manner.

哪怕[代价]是 纯真、(与)善良
If naivety and goodness are the prices to pay ...