
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 04:17:29



虽然现在网络游戏如日中天,因为生产一个单机游戏,特别好的单机游戏,是需要投入较长的时间和较多的成本,而单机游戏的重复可玩性使玩家购买新游戏的周期加长,获利当然不及低投入高产出周期短的网游。但是单机游戏也还有是发展前途的。第一是因为它的娱乐性,单机游戏的另一个存在价值就是测试硬件,高端测件游戏基本都是单机游戏,像FARCRY、半条命2、DOOM3、上古卷轴4、极品飞车10,每一个的诞生都会引发硬件市场的升级热潮。这些高端游戏很多都不是花瓶,有着相当高的可玩性,让高端用户享受到更高品质的游戏。 所以说,网游虽然横行霸道,但总是无法取代单机游戏的,因为它没有游戏的真正的内在。


Along with life of the rhythm speed, people need to relax himself/herself after nervous work, so they would choose what kind of way to relax oneself?Certainly, the single machine game is one of the choices and I think the many people all knows single machine game, but what be the definition of single machine game ?

The single machine game is an opposite network game but speech of and among them, the single machine game is again divided into PC terrace game and household-use game host game.(for example, PS2, PS3, XBOX etc.)
The narrow concept of in fact single machine game comes from PC game, be also the game which says that your[one] person plays on the computer, don't need to log on an Internet, the object communicate by you is a computer, be also say, the whole game in, the role build up by you is that you move an operation by yourself, besides which, whole rest from the operation auto of the computer procedure finished of, you satisfied a certain condition,