
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 05:49:54
In the year 1620, a little ship came to America. It was called the Mayflower(五月花). There were one hundred people on the ship. The people were called pilgrims(朝圣者).They came from England. The pilgrims wanted to have their own church. They could not have their own church in England.
Their first winter in America was very cold. The pilgrims did not have much food. They did not warm clothes. Many people got sick. Some even died. It two Indians could speak English. They showed the pilgrims how to plant corn. The pilgrims worked hard. They cut down trees. They built houses. They learned to burnt down turkeys that lived in the woods. When fall came, the pilgrims were very happy because they had a lot of food for the winter. They made a big dinner. They invited the Indians to come and eat with them. The Indians brought deer for dinner. They cooked outside. They cooked outside. They cooked outside. They ate and ate for three weeks. The pilgrims were thankful for the good things they had.



形容词我只找到 cold warm
而且你这句话"They did not warm clothes" 少了个"have"
It two Indians could speak English 这句也有错误

如果是名词的话么 有winter fall