“她现在很忙,以后再聊可以吗?哦,对了,你的摄影水平不错,照片很好” 用英语怎么说?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 22:02:33

She is busy now. Can she talk with you later? Well, your level of photography is very great and the photos are good.

She is very busy right now, how about chatting next time? Oh, well, your photography is great, the pictures are wonderful.

She is not available at the moment, so what about talking next time? By the way, you are quite a good photographer. The photos are just wonderful.


She is very busy now. How about chatting later? Oh,I should say that your photographic skill is so excellent that the photos look beautiful