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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 02:42:02
我们“追寻先烈足迹,秉承革命遗志”( Pursuing the footprints of martyrs, following the will of revolution)实践队的主要目的就是寻访当地革命老前辈和询问他们的英雄事迹。我们实践队还与别的院校的实践队共同组织了一次“重温红军路”的实践活动,我们要走来回四个多小时的路程,炎炎烈日,我们挥洒着汗水,克服自身的身体素质,高唱革命老歌,虽然路途艰辛,但微笑始终挂在队员们的脸上。寻访中,革命老前辈讲述的革命历史及革命事迹让队员们接受了一场深刻的爱国主义教育,也是一次生动的近现代史教育;老军人们仍然心存报效祖国,一切以人民利益为重的崇高的品质使同学们感到震撼,又使队员们接受了一次深刻的理想与信念的教育。这次寻访革命老前辈和烈士的亲属是一件很有意义的社会实践活动,只有尊重历史才能实现社会发展,寻访革命老前辈和烈士的亲属,不仅是给大学生的一个锻炼的机会,更体现了当代大学生的主流价值取向,体现了当代大学生对历史的尊重,体现了当代青年的社会责任意识、国防意识和爱国主义精神。大学生作为社会主义现代化建设的接班人,只有做到了解历史,尊重历史,才能明确前行方向,开拓创新,承担起建设社会主义现代化建设的重任。

My facing to come in the intense heat is the university student's first summer vacation, certainly also ising my first time to experience social fulfillment.For an university student but speech, presume to accept a challenge is a kind of basic character.Although the weather is blazing hot, the hot sun is a head, I stepped on the road of social fulfillment resolutely.Think passing experiences personally social fulfillment to let personally oneself further understanding society, open mental horizon in the fulfillment, toughen an own practical ability, foster an own tenacity, want to pass society fulfillment, finding out an own the shortage and the margin place.
The life of social fulfillment is hard, stopping for the night a conditional lack, summer weather of blazing hot, there is also fulfillment process in various unexpected affairs run into.Because of the lack of resources, we all member of team use a health totally, taking a shower to all want to line up each time;Becau