
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 05:39:23

攀亲: to establish friendly relationship with
潜规则: hidden rule
让利: to surrender part of profit to sb.; to transfer part of interest or profit to sb.
速配: speed dating
网络版: online edition
养眼: eye-candy (something or someone that is very pleasant to the eyes)
夜店: night entertainment venue; nightclub; night shop
钻石王老五: diamond bachelor (referring to rich single man)
做秀: publicity stunt
啃老族: NEET (acronym of Not in Employment, Education or Training referring to the young people who do not work but live off their parents)
拿手好戏: masterpiece
难得糊涂: Where ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise.
内环路: inner ring roadvzas