
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 13:39:04


The Little Prince, drawn by Saint-Exupéry himself, chapter IIInterleaved in the first nine chapters the narration's point of view changes from third person to first person. In the first eight days of the narrator being stranded in the desert, the Prince has been telling these stories to the narrator.

The Prince asks the narrator to draw a sheep. Not knowing how to draw a sheep, he draws what he knows, a boa with a bulging stomach, a drawing which previous viewers mistook for a hat. "No! No!" exclaims the Prince. "I don't want a boa with an elephant inside! I want a sheep..." He tries a few sheep drawings, which the Prince rejects. Finally he draws a box, which he explains has the sheep inside. The Prince, who can see the sheep inside the box just as well as he can see the elephant in the boa, accepts it.

The home asteroid of the Little Prince is introduced. He inhabits a house-sized planet, B612, which has three vol