求你门了大哥大姐来 英文是什么啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 12:08:10
今天已经是军训第四天了,学军歌真的很有趣,不用想调准不准,唱出来气势就行 ,我们拼命喊,嗓子都哑了。为的就是唱的声音大,让别人都知道我们一年六班有多么的团结,向上。今天晚上食堂的饭吃的格外香 ,可能是真的累了


军训的确是很令人怀念,嗓子哑了准备些金嗓子喉宝或者草珊瑚含片就好了,我就是这么过来的,当年我可是班长,不光要唱歌,队列的口号都是我喊的,呵呵!下面是译文:Today already was the military training fourth days, studies the military song really very interesting, does not need to regulate permits, to sing the imposing manner line, we go all out to shout, the throat was all mute. For is the sound which sings is big, lets the others all know our year six classes have the how unity, upward. Tonight the cafeteria food eats especially fragrant, possibly was is really tired .