
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 12:35:30
哈利波特7美国版500页第24章"The Wandmaker"倒数第六段的第二行这样写道"Snape bowed and set off back up the path, his black cloak billowing behind him. Harry walked slowly, waiting for Snape’s figure to disappear. "我感觉在意思上有点问题:walked away 的是哈利吗?由英国版的帮我看一下到底是谁?是不是美国版的印刷错了?要不然有谁真正看过的给我讲一下怎么回事?谢谢了。10分
说没有歧义的,你看看原文,说的是哈利通过他与伏地魔的联系看到伏地魔去霍格沃茨抢魔杖,哈利在Shell Cottage,霍格沃茨出现的只有伏地魔和斯内普,怎么会是哈利慢慢地走,等着斯内普消失呢?


说没有歧义的,你看看原文,说的是哈利通过他与伏地魔的联系看到伏地魔去霍格沃茨抢魔杖,哈利在Shell Cottage,霍格沃茨出现的只有伏地魔和斯内普,怎么会是哈利慢慢地走,等着斯内普消失呢?
汗,原来你问的是这个。哈利波特系列基本是以哈利的视角描写,哈利通过与伏地魔的联系看到的场景里,哈利本人就感觉自己是伏地魔,所以主语用哈利。这是基本的叙述手法。你看看前面几部,譬如第五部里哈利梦见自己是蛇,咬伤Arthur Weasley的那段,也是“Harry longed to bite the man”一模一样的写法。

这个你去贴吧里看看吧 才出书的第二天就把结局贴好了

Snape bowed and set off back up the path, his black cloak billowing behind him. Harry walked slowly, waiting for Snape’s figure to disappear. It would not do for Snape, or indeed anyone else, to see where he was going. But there were no lights in the castle windows, and he could conceal himself . . . and in a second he had cast upon himself a Disillusionment Charm that hid him even from his own eyes. And he walked on, around the edge of the lake, taking in the outlines of the beloved castle, his first kingdom, his birthright. . . . And here it was, beside the lake, reflected in the dark waters. The white marble tomb, an unnecessary blot on the