sore out 短语?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 00:38:31
有sore out 短语吗?或者类似的?

stick out like a sore thumb 不同寻常,引起别人注意
I really felt sorry for my roommate Dora at the party last night. She wore her very best dress, but her boyfriend came wearing blue jeans and a tee-shirt. He stuck out like a sore thumb because all the other men were in coats and ties. 我昨晚在聚会上真为我的室友多拉感到难受。她穿了她最漂亮的一件礼服。可是,她的男朋友却穿了牛仔库和汗衫去参加聚会。其他男的都穿的很讲究,西装领带的, 只有多拉的男朋友显得有点和这个聚会格格不入。
Sarah went to the ball alone thinking she'd find someone to dance with. But everyone had a partner so she was all alone most of the time. She stuck out like a sore thumb and was very embarrassed. 萨拉一个人去参加舞会,以为总可以找到个舞伴。可是,每个人都有自己的舞伴,所以大多数的时候都没有人和她跳舞。这样她就显得突出,这使她感到很难堪。

sore out 可能是由这引申出来的,大概是表示“尴尬,与别人格格不入,出丑”等

或者 reach out 伸出