
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 23:32:10
是四个南非的白人小伙吧,风格有点英伦,也有点后朋。乐队名字大概叫treeXX(XX为数字),有一首歌曲叫“Look what have you done”(跟jet的大作同名),来自南非,知道朋友告知一下,最好还可以给个他们专辑的下载地址。


Tree63乐队来自南非,1996年冬成立,由主唱兼吉他手John Ellis、鼓手Thinus(Tain)Odendaal和贝斯手Daniel组成。乐队名字Tree63源于圣经,小伙子们认为“The Bible begins and ends with a tree, and in the very middle is Christ, who hangs from one.And the 63 comes from Psalm 63 ".乐队现在共发行了三张专辑《TREE63》、《THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ABSOLUTE TRUTH》、《THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION》,风格混合摇滚、宗教、流行。大家听到的《ALL BECAUSE》是第二张专辑里的歌,曲子轻缓柔美,经主唱深情演绎,相信能打动不少人。 每次听它我会很自然地想到朴树,也许他们在拖音上的处理上太相象了

ALL BECAUSE -- TREE63 I want to set The story straight It"s time to tell The truth I never could Have come so far If it were not For You You covered up my sin You covered up my silence You covered up my shame You made me new again Chorus: It"s all because of You... They tell me to Abandon You To make my dreams Come true So what am I Supposed to do? I only dream Of You You covered up my sin You covered up my silence You covered up my shame I am new again (Chorus)

这首歌的全名是《Look What You've Done For Me》