美国圣诺伯大学怎么样啊? 麻烦解答一下!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/13 23:41:28
美国圣诺伯大学 St Norbert College 怎么样啊?拿的是本科文平吗? 是不是college一定比university差啊?希望了解的人帮忙解答一下啊!…最好是有该校毕业生来介绍一下…谢谢!

It really depends. Colleges are not necessarily poor than universities. Many Schools are much better than universities. Colleges are more specific on certain majors that are their expertise. Universities are very broad in majors. Many majors are not very good.

Example: Harvard is very good, right. But it's medical and engineering is not as good as Dukes University or University of Pennsyvania...

All college can provide BSc degrees. The tuition fees in College is much lowere than university because college has less bureacy and more efficient.

Hope that you got some ideans now.
