
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 19:56:32
背景 : Pam asks John to come in and try out the job for a few days without being paid to see how he goes.John goes on trial for three days and enjoys the job.He work with friendly people and chats to customs about good movies to hire.
Pam then asks john to start work as a parttime employee and gives him a tax employment declaration form,john is not sure of his wages,working conditions or emploment contract so he rings his sister for advice.
Lianne tells John he may be covered by a federal or state employment award or agreement,these set out rules under which he is employed. Lianne says most small stores like the one he works for employ their staff under state awards.

1.can me employer make me do trial work without paying me?

2.should i be give a job offer in writing?why?

3.As a parttime employee you must be paid 'pro-rata benefits'.what are these?
To answer,visit these sites

4: What can i do if my employer only wan



1.No, he have to pay, even it is trial.
2.yes and no, it is all depending on the job, but i will suggest do write one.
3.pro-rated, means if you work 20 hours a week you just have to half of it (40hours week concider full time)
4it is ok to pay you in cash or cheque, as long as he pay your benifit to the government as well, money is moeny