老虎刨泉 英文版

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 22:48:16
虎跑梦泉有一个传说:龙井茶、虎跑泉素称“杭州双绝”。虎跑泉是怎样来的呢? 据说很早以前有兄弟二人,哥弟名大虎和二虎。二人力大过人,有一年二人来到杭州,想安家住在现在虎跑的小寺院里。和尚告诉他俩,这里吃水困难,要翻几道岭去挑水,兄弟俩说,只要能住,挑水的事我们包了,于是和尚收留了兄弟俩。有一年夏天,天旱无雨,小溪也干涸了,吃水更困难了。一天,兄弟俩想起流浪过南岳衡山的“童子泉”,如能将童子泉移来杭州就好了。兄弟俩决定要去衡山移来童子泉,一路奔波,到衡山脚下时就都昏倒了,狂风暴雨发作,风停雨住过后,他俩醒来,只见眼前站着一位手拿柳枝的小孩,这是管“童子泉”的小仙人。小仙人听了他俩的诉说后用柳枝一指,水洒在他俩身上,霎时,兄弟二人变成两只斑斓猛虎,小孩跃上虎背。老虎仰天长啸一声,带着“童子泉”直奔杭州而去。老和尚和村民们夜里作了一个梦,梦见大虎、二虎变成两只猛虎,把“童子泉”移到了杭州,天亮就有泉水了。第二天,天空霞光万朵,两只猛虎从天而降,猛虎在寺院旁的竹园里,前爪刨地,不一会就刨了一个深坑,突然狂风暴雨大作,雨停后,只见深坑里涌出一股清泉,大家明白了,肯定是大虎和二虎给他们带来的泉水。为了纪念大虎和二虎,他们给泉水起名叫“虎刨泉”,后来为了顺口就叫成“虎跑泉”。用虎跑泉泡龙井茶,色香味绝佳,现今的虎跑茶室,就可品尝到这“双绝”佳饮。
虎跑泉: tiger running spring water


Hupao Spring is ranked the third in China, according to scientific research on the quality of the water of the spring, followed by Leng Spring in Zhejiang and Hui Spring in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. The pleasures to be gained from Hupao Spring are listening to the spring, viewing the spring, tasting the spring, feeling the spring, even dreaming that the spring enables every thought about the spring to come to mind.

Hupao Spring in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Zhejiang - Tiger Running Spring in Hangzhou

Hupao Spring is well famed for its unique fountain. People of all ages highly praise it after tasting a cup of Longjing tea made of water from Hupao fountain. Many laudatory poems about the spring have been composed by famous Chinese poets, both in an