谁能告诉我这个视频地第二首歌曲的名字 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_cg00XNjQ3ODk1Ng==.html

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 10:21:15

Smile.DK - Golden Sky

Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah
To the golden sky
It''s the paradise of Smile
Where the sun will always shine
Welcome to the wonderland, a place for you and me
If you treat me right then maybe you will have a key
This world is very special and I''ll show it just for you
All you have to say is "Yes, I do"
Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah
To the golden sky
It''s the paradise of Smile
Where the sun will always shine
There are many secrets that I''d like to share with you
I will show you magic if the words you say are true
Imagine that the wildest dreams are in this mystery
It''s a perfect place for you and me
Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah
To the golden sky
It''s the paradise of Smile
Where th