我要很多很多的爱,如果没有,那我要很多很多的钱。 翻译为英文怎么写?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 16:30:14
我要很多很多的爱,如果没有,那我要很多很多的钱。 翻译为英文怎么写?

I need a lot of love. If there isn't,a lot of money is not bad.

I want to have a lot of love, if not, then I want to have to a lot of money

I want stacks of money second to heaps of love.

want to have a lot of love, if not, then I want to have a lot of money.

Either I could have a large amount of love,or have a large amount of money.