高中的英语吧 救命 明天就用

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 13:55:43
要求 言简意赅 语法正确

Describe your latest travel in detail(with whom? and the destination,it take u how long to get to the destionation)

Describ the natural scene

Some interesting things happened during your travel, can you describe it for me.
what's your reason to travel


how you met and what do your think the difference between adult and children making friend (用到PURPOSIVE 和PURE)

急用 在线等
下面那为哥哥我很“爱”你 但是您这像是个故事 明天我要口试 去给 考官讲故事嘛。。。

Last sunday morning, I went to a small village with my good friends as a simple travelling.
It took us two hour by bike to reach the beautful place.there are green hills all aroud it.A stream winds throught the village. Row upon row of old styled and newly built houses line on both sides of the road.when we walk down the road, people always say hello to us.here and there we can see chickens ,geese, and turkeys in the open yards.the animals are lovely .Occasionally we can hear a dog bark or a cock crow.one of my friends was scared by it,we all laugh it.
Time went by quickly.what a good time we have!Since enter the middle high school,we are all under the Pressure and the travelling is a very good avtivity to relax.every one of us enjoys it very much.
