
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 03:08:04

在这以知识与信息为背景的时代,面对众多高学历的求职者,作为一名大学生求职者,我深知:只有拥有一技之长,精通自己的专业技能,才能在社会立足。因此,三年多来,在校训“博学至精,明德至善”的指导下,我不断地充实完善着自己。 在校积极参加学校的各种文娱活动和社会实践活动,并取得一定的成绩:在大一和大二的暑期社会实践中,所在小分队均荣获“校优秀小分队”称号;同时,我身体素质极佳,擅长多项体育运动。

临床医学是二十一世纪最具活力、最具发展生机的学科之一,另外,它也是一门实践性很强的学科,自2005年8在赤峰市医院医院实习以来,我努力地将所学理论知识运用到具体实践中去,不断的发现自己的不足,并不断向老师请教,在同事和老师的不断帮助和自己的不懈努力下,我已初步掌握了临床医学工作的一些基本方法。 临床医学是一个高尚的专业,需要我们加倍努力去探索和发展,我热爱这个职业,真诚的希望贵单位能给我一个施展自己才华的舞台,我将全身心的投入到工作中,让自己在实践中不断成长,让我们 共同努力,为临床医学事业的发展添砖加瓦!

有些小错误I called Qi Baoyintu is Jinzhou Medical College graduates majoring in clinical medicine, hospital internship Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, is about to face graduation.

In this knowledge and information as the background of the times, in the face of the many highly educated job-seekers, as a college student job-seekers, I know very well: only those with skills, proficient in their professional skills to community based. Thus, three years ago, the school motto "learned to sperm and Matilda catharsis" guidance, I constantly enrich and perfect its own. The school actively participating schools in the various cultural and recreational activities and social practice, and scored some achievements: in the summer freshman and sophomore social practice, the host squad have won the "outstanding school team" title; At the same time, I good physique, good at many sports.

Clinical medicine is the most dynamic 21st century, the most dynamic developm