
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 02:55:36

At 5:00, No. 13 of this year, Tropical Storm "Weipa" center at Guannan in Jiangsu Province, the eight largest wind (18 m / sec).
After approximately 40 km / hour speed fast moving north easterly direction. 7:00 into the city of Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province about 60 kilometers east of the Yellow Sea off the west.
Typhoon from the Central Meteorological Observatory Center and the marine weather forecast that the typhoon's path and began forecasts have changed, there is no greater impact on Shanghai.
At press time, the tropical storm "Weipa" maximum winds of 18. Jiangsu precipitation has not yet ended and will continue to Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin bring greater intensity of precipitation.
In addition, Shenyang Meteorological Center in 6:00 today issued a typhoon warning signal yellow, Dalian area is already fully suspended passenger and freight traffic.