who got funny jokes or humors?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 02:06:20
I want some really funny jokes or humors, I want them to be real funny but not horny!!!! Please I want them as soon as possible and also give me as many as you have.
Thank you Very much!!

-how many holes are there in your sock?
-then, how can you put your foot in?
a bear walked into a bar.he said to the owner:"i------want------a------bottle------of------beer."
the owner said:"ok,but why do you have a big pause?"
the bear looked at her paws and answered:"i don't know i always have them."
again,it is about bar
a horse walked into a bar. he went to ask for a drink. when the owner saw him. he said:"what a long face."
an englishman,a scotsman and an irishman went for a walk in the country.
englishman: look at that beautiful english cow!
irishman: it looks more like an irish cow to me.
scotsman: you're both wrong. it's a scottish cow.look, it's got bagp