
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 00:01:05

spirit of the Long March

What is the spirit of Red Army Expedition?


长征精神的主要内涵是乐于吃苦,不惧艰难的革命乐观主义;勇于战斗,无坚不摧的革命英雄主义;重于求实,独立自主的创新胆略;善于团结,顾全大局的集体主义。其主题是一不怕苦,二不怕死”;其最显著的特点就是革命英雄主义精神。长征精神,是中华民族百折不挠、自强不息的民族精神的最高表现,是保证我们革命和建设事业从胜利走向胜利的强大精神力量。英The Long March mental main connotation is glad endures hardship, does
not fear the difficult revolutionary optimism; Dares to fight,
revolutionary heroism; Again to strives for realism,
independent innovation mettle; Is good at uniting, the collectivism
which takes the entire situation into account. Its subject is one does
not fear painstakingly, two does not fear death "; Its most remarkable
characteristic is the revolutionary heroism spirit. The Long March
spirit, is the national spirit highest performance which the Chinese
nation is indomitable, strives constantly for self-improvement, is
guaranteed we revolutionize with the construction enterprise