
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 00:59:46
1\given two similar triangles one of which has twice the perimeter of the other,by what factor is the area of the larger triangle bigger than the smalier?

2\to get a cabie from the computer to the internet hub,Adam lays the cabie carefully along theedge of the carpet by the wall. Assuming the room is rectangular,if he needed 3 feet of cabie to get from the hub to the floor,12feet of cable to run along the north wall,14 feet along the east wall,7 feet along the south wall,and 5 feet up to the desk top camputer,approximately what is the straight line distance from the hub to the computer?

3\ Three circles each with radius r intersect each other such that each passes through the center of the other two circles. find the area of the intersection of their interiors.

4\If the diameter of a cylindrical can is increased by 20%,by approximately what percentage should the heighe be increased in order to double the volume of the can?

1 大的三角形的三边之和要是小三角形三边之和的2倍。不过这2个三角形是相似的,所以只要要求大三角形的边=2倍小三角形的边,他们的边是成固定比例的,明白了么?
2 我不是学计算机的,而且你有单词书写错误,比如说cable不是cabie。。。

3 没说要算面积,但是已经给了你半径r...,如果只是要找出公共面积,我想可以这样描述:奥运5环旗取左边上面2个和左边下面一个,然后把它们3个圆靠得更紧些,使任意一个都通过另外2个的圆心,那么公共面积你一定能看出来了:)如果要算面积你再找我!
4 [(1+0.2)/2]开平方*兀*hx=(1/2)开平方*兀*2*h
即0.36hx=0.5h 则x=1.38 即要增大约38.88%左右
5 要用长方形的A边和对角线d表达周长。取A和d的夹角为t,则B边长度=根号下(d平方-A平方)=d*cost,然后2*(A+B)=周长了

第二题如果要算面积的话我已经做出来了,s=[兀r平方/6 - (根号3)/4]*3 + (根号3)/4


the above one is good