
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 01:56:01
金山寺打破寺院坐北朝南,分三路的布局,依山就势,大门西开,正对江流,各色建筑散布其上,风格奇特。金山除寺院外,尚有中冷泉、志公塔、妙高台、宋代梁红玉擂鼓抗金兵所用的战鼓等胜迹。中冷泉在 金山西南,泉水出自江中,清冽甘甜,被唐代茶圣陆羽评为天下第一泉,旁有宋朝王安石、文天祥等手笔题诗

楼上的也太搞笑了吧 雄峙居然翻译成xiongzhi 佩服!!
研究下 明天给你答案

Jinshan Mountain
Jinshan mountain ,located to the south of Yangtze River in northwest part of Zhengjiang city ,is named originally Shiwu mountain , Jin’ao mountain ,or Fuyu mountain .It was called Jinshan Mountain from Tang dynasty. With a height of 60 m and a length of 520 m, Jinshan Mountain covers an area of 10 hectares, which was first an island in the middle of the Yangtze River . The poet Zhanggu in Tang dynasty once described it as a place where the shadows of trees can be seen in the water and sounds of bell can be heard on both sides of the river .Then in the Qing dynasty , due to the change of the direction of river ,it was linked up to the south bank of the river.