
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 13:44:02

It is 15:30 universial time,I am Bob Dotty (人名,拼写不一定准)in Washington.
North Korea is seeking United Nation's aid after severe flooding there reportedly killed hundreds ofpeople. The Korean Central News Agency says 30,000 buildings have been damaged or distroyed since heavy rain began forming last week. The remains also have washed away tens of thousands of hectares of farmland. The UN world food program says the North Korean government has already made a request for aid. Official said the UN will send a team to north Korea to study the damage. South Korea also says it is exploring ways to help the North. Sorth Korea official 卢武铉 will travel by land to north Korea later this month for a meeting with president 金正日. Representatives from both countries discussed the travel plans Tuesday in the North Korean border city of ...(朝鲜地名).Official said South Korea will send about 2,000 deligates to 平壤 for the three day talks. The talks are to open on August 28th.