
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 10:03:25
ABC of DNA and its application

The ABC of DNA

Release date: November 03, 1998

After a nationwide search for Britain's most innovative products, a DNA test kit for schools developed by The University of Reading's National Centre for Biotechnology Education has been granted Millennium Product status by the Design Council. The news was announced by Trade and Industry Secretary Peter Mandelson at the CBI Conference in Birmingham on Monday 2 November. The centre's invention is already used by a quarter of UK secondary schools and colleges, and is sold throughout the world. It has now been short-listed for inclusion in the Millennium Dome in Greenwich.

John Schollar, who with Dean Madden was responsible for the invention said "Our inexpensive DNA kit allows pupils to produce the familiar bar-code like patterns that are seen on genetic fingerprints. It has been designed with ease-of-use and safety in mind, yet gives results comparable to those produced by conventional eq