高分翻译两句话. 大家快来呀

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 05:52:54


(要求精确度极高) 谢谢
2. 前面加句(茫茫人海)

没有什么事态变化吗 ,比如 似曾相识的人 这句

还有techcom3 麻烦 帮我把 与生俱来的 加上 好吗 谢谢.inherent

1. Humans have a mysterious and wonderful relation with each other.

2. Among many people, there's always some people as if they know each other, and they have mutual admiration in their eyesights, going through many "certains" and "occasions", and finally they come along each other again.


1. inherent
2. native

我认为coolboy 翻译比我好多了

1. A mysterious yet beautiful relationship exists between people.

2. There's always some people who might've felt they've met before, sparkling with inherent mutual admiration in their eyes, and after going through many certain and accidental paths, finally end up meeting each other again.

我不敢肯定inherent mutual能不能在一起, 因为我比较少用这个词, 不过读起来好像还可以.

其实每个人的翻译风格不同, techcom选用"人生遇到的", 而我选用所选的路和必定要选的路而已.

1.There are some people between the mysterious and beautiful Association.
2.The vast human sea, there