
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 04:04:51
Frente,一支来自澳洲的组合。 他们原本把自己称为 ” Frente! “, 过后也不懂是队里的哪个成员心血来潮,提议把 ! 给省略掉,结果大家一致同意。Frente 便成了这个组合的代名词。 刚开始队员总共有4人: Angie Hart - Vocals Simon Austin - Vocals, guitars Tim O' Connor - Bass Mark Picton - Drums 由Angie为女主音的Frente, 并不愿意顺着流行音乐的趋势,而做出迎合市场的泡泡糖音乐。相反地,他们宁愿走向非主流,朝着自己喜欢的木吉他民谣风格,创作出另一种清新的音乐。在他们的唱片里,你可以嗅到花香,大自然的气息,一种与世无争的慵懒。 Angie的干净嗓音总让人听了不自觉的爱上她。 1989年,当时还居住在Melbourne的Angie,连同好朋友Simon的支持下,决定要自组乐队。于是他们找来了Tim和Mark,加上Angie的声音,Simon的木吉他,便形成了Frente。在1992年,他们在家乡澳洲推出首张专辑,Marvin The Album。 专辑一推出后即受到当地青少年的欢迎。尤其是在当地校园里,Frente的歌曲更是成了学生们的喜爱。在完全没有意料之下,专辑卖了白金,而Frente也随后到国外许多地方巡回演唱。 不过,迅速的成名也为Frente带来了无限的压力。在巡回演唱后,Tim和Mark黯然决定离开Frente。而Angie和Simon也处于低潮心情,甚至一度想解散Frente。 在沉寂了一段日子后,Angie和Simon从新振作,找来了新队员Bill McDonald和Alastair Barden,并在1996年推出第二张唱片,Shape。虽然Shape的销售量不如首张专辑,但部分歌迷对它的评语却是相当高。因为Frente在这专辑里的个人风格非常突出,给歌迷带来了完全不同的感觉。 因为Shape专辑的推出,Frente也忙着为宣传而到处巡回演唱。而过后队员们之间再次出现意见分歧。于是在1998,Frente宣布解散。

Rhythm and Blues was and still is a term used for a number of post-war American popular music forms. The term is credited to Jerry Wexler when he was editing the charts in Billboard magazine (1947). The term was used in the chart listings from 1949 onwards and the charts in question encompassed a number of contemporary forms that emerged around that time.

R&B clearly has its origins in the secular folk music of the American black musician - the Blues. For me, the Blues is essentially about emotional expression and is predominantly a vocal medium - although there are many examples of blues instrumentals to refute this assertion, it is the singer who expresses the feelings of the blues; and there are a number of vocal techniques which are used to create the desired effects. There are of course a range of blues intrumentations which accompany the central vocal performance (the bending of guitar strings, the classic bottleneck of so many of the great blues guitarists, the ha