
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 21:11:38
If you have a chance to travel in Europe,you'd better choose Italy as a good place to visit.Because Italy is a very famous country with a long history,and there are many interesting cities in this country. There are three million people each year who visit the city of Pisa.It ia known for the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
The tower looks as it might fall at any time.In fact,some visitors stop at the tower just long enough to take a picture,then they hurry away.The tower has 294 steps.Visitors who can climb to th top and come down will feel like heioes.
Engineers say that the visitors are safe,though the tower does lean.This tower has been leaning for about eight hundred years.And it leans a tiny bit more every year.If thia keeps on,thetower will fall at last.But many engineers are trying their best to keep the tower standing as long as possible.




如果您在欧洲有一个机会旅行,您应该选择意大利作为合适场所参观。由于意大利是一个非常著名国家以一个悠久的历史和有许多有趣的城市在这个国家。每年有三百万人民谁参观为比萨斜塔知道的Pisa.It ia城市。 塔看,它也许任何时候下落。实际上,有些访客逗留在塔太久拍相片,然后他们匆匆离去。塔有294步。能在th上面上升和下来的访客将感觉象heioes。工程师说访客是安全的,虽然塔倾斜。这个塔倾斜大约八百年。并且它每年倾斜微小的位。如果thia保持, thetower将落在为时。但许多工程师设法他们最佳继续塔越久越好站立。

If you have a chance to travel in Europe,you'd better choose Italy as a good place to visit.如果你有机会去欧洲旅游,意大利倒是个好去处.Because Italy is a very famous country with a long history,and there are many interesting cities in this country. 因为意大利是一个很出名的国家,它有悠久的历史和很多有趣的城市.There are three million people each year who visit the city of Pisa.It ia known for the Leaning Tower of Pisa.每年有三百万人浏览比萨城,它以其斜塔而得名.