
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 01:27:32
A newly discovered Faberge egg made for a top banking dynasty is expected to fetch up to 18 when it is sold in London next month, auction house Christie's said Thursday.

The egg was made for the Rothschild family in 1902 by Peter Carl Faberge and contains a diamond-encrusted cockerel which pops out every hour to flap its wings and nod its head while opening and shutting its beak and crowing.

One of only three known examples featuring a clock and a mechanical figure, it is unusually large and is enamelled in pink with gold detailing.

"The discovery of this masterpiece is the most exciting of my 40-year career," said Anthony Philips, Christie's international director of silver and Russian works of art.

"We expect this remarkable object to be of profound interest to private collectors and institutions from around the world."

Faberge, a Russian jeweller whose name is synonymous with extravagant craftsmans




"发现这一杰作,是最令人兴奋的,我40年的职业生涯中, "安东尼说,飞利浦,克里斯蒂的国际导演银和俄罗斯的艺术品。



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