只可惜,这一切都不为我所拥有 英文怎么说

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 14:34:46

What a pity,all the things are not belonged to me.


我的美国同事曾笑话我说的“poor baby”。我想表示“真可怜”。但是他说 美国人几乎不用poor和pity。一般说“i feel bad for that”,或者干脆“i'm so sorry”。

因此,我觉得这里不要用 what a pity 这类只会出现在中国教科书上的词。Sorry that none of these belongs to me. 就可以了。或者,更为准确但有点罗嗦的说法是:None of these belongs to me, and i feel so bad!

It's a pity that all these don't belong to me

What a pity!All this doesn't belong to me.