
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 19:30:50
1.each country can follow macroeconomic policies independent of the policies of other countries.
2.the key is the adoption of conservative monetary and fiscal policies that resulted in macroeconomic stabilities.
3.floating rates have not eased monetary policy by the provision of an automatic corrective mechanism.
4. some have advocated a return to the fixed rate systerm but with wider bands around currency par values.

1 。每个国家都可以遵循的宏观经济政策独立于其他国家的政策。
2 。关键是采用保守的货币政策和财政政策,导致宏观经济的稳定性。
3 。浮动利率已没有放松货币政策提供一个自动矫正机制。
4 。某些人主张恢复到固定汇率体系,但与更广泛的频带周围货币相提并论的价值观。