
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:10:26
请注意,乘坐中国南方航空公司(China Southern Airline)303航班到芝加哥的旅客请到10号门登机。

Attention please! the passengers of China Southern Airline Filght No. 303, destination Chicago, please head to Gate No.10 for boarding.


Attention, passengers of the China Southern Airline Flight 303 please head to Gate 10 to board the flight.

Please note that the use of China Southern Airlines (China Southern Airline) 303 passenger flights to Chicago on the 10th free boarding gate.

Attention please, passengers taking the Flight 303 of the China Southern Airline now head to Gate 10 to get on board


Attention to passengers of China Southern Airline Flight No. 303 to Chicago, please proceed to gate 10 for immediate boarding. Thank you.

(请到。。。。,英文是 please proceed...)