
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 05:30:28

It says that Every heart has its own sorrow. for sure, when we was worn in the world , so many frustrations and difficults had already got ready to test us out , It is the unforeseen that always happens. traffic accident. Floodwater. Illness ,there are so many unforeseen things in our lives ,we always don’t know what will happen to us in the future ,even the next second. .when we caught difficults wo yearn for others’ helps, others’ helps are so important to us that I can’t imagine life without them.
We also need others’ help in everyday life ,the other day , I had a stomachache, I feel so suffering, my best friend give me a cup of hot water ,told me to have the medicine ,she also cleaned the classroom instead of me (that day ,I was on duty) I couldn’t be thankful enough to her for her help.
All of above tells us one truth——people need other’ helps ,do you know volunteers, they are one of this kind of people who

It is said that every heart has its own sorrow.. yes, living in the world, we must experience lots of frustrations and difficulties, which are unforeseen, traffic accident, floodwater, illness,etc. we can’t predict that when they will happen...when we have difficulties, we can turn to others, others' help are so important to us that I can’t imagine how the life will be without it.
Help is needed in everyone’s daily life. One day, I had a stomachache, I felt terrible. my best friend looked after me carefully. No words can express my thankfulness to her for the help .He offered me a cup of hot water, and told me to have the medicine. In addition, she also cleaned the classroom instead of me (that day, I was on duty).
All of above tell us a truth——everyone needs help .Do you know volunteers,?they are a group of people who always help others without expecting any rewards. They devote their whole life to people who need help. They are heroes who are ordinary people but